Our philosophy

Goal 1: Demonstrate openness by providing increased access to courses and programs by: Strategies Actions Expected Results Promoting growth in course and program registrations Implement four-year rolling recruitment strategy. Update collaboration and articulation agreements Meet specified enrolment targets at undergraduate and graduate levels. Increasing number and success of traditionally under-represented groups (women, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities and visible minorities Implement Indigenous Education Plan. Maintain overall growth for all groups. Advocate for increased financial aid for part-time learners. Improvements in student success Measures 

Goal 2: Meet learners’ needs through flexibility by:



Expected Results

Continuing to consider individualized distance education as its core operation at the undergraduate level. 

Use grouped study delivery to address the needs of specific populations and, where required, to advance specific learning outcomes of courses.

Ongoing monitoring of balance of 

individualized and grouped study 


Using appropriate e-learning pedagogy to increase flexibility for students engaging in learning and assessment activities.

Use digital systems to increase flexibility and access to learning resources.

Development and utilization of Child Care Development Centre Digital Library including the Digital Reading Room.

By Year 1 of operation, high demand courses will be fully accessible online.

Highly qualified and motivated professionals

The Directors and the trustees oAlternative Empowered Development Foundation are ultimately responsible for the activities of the organization and delegate sections of responsibility to subcommittees, deputies, staff members or volunteers as they deem fit. 

                                                                                         2 Grafton Street, Dublin, Ireland | Registered Company: 64857 

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                                                                                        All rights reserved. Alternative Empowerment Development Foundation, Inc